the NK Active body health check service

A body health check with NK Active

What is a body health check?

The body health check is a proactive screening to look at the restrictions that you may have. We’re not looking at any particular injury, you can be completely pain free, but it’s a quick, simple and straightforward set of easy tests to examine your range of movement and to identify any areas where you might be getting stiffer or weaker. And then we provide a simple exercise programme to address those issues BEFORE they build up and become a problem. We wholeheartedly believe in prevention being better than the cure.

The body health check is really aimed at those people who want to try and be a little proactive rather than reactive to their body, and for those who might be interested in trying to put things in place to reduce their risk of injury later on down the line.

Let’s put aside the medical conditions and lets just look at how fit and active you are right now, What are your goals? What can we help put you so you put in place? And what are the things you need to do to achieve those, those goals?

So what happens after your visit to NK Active?

After your body health check with us we will give you a printout of all the information that we’ve gathered which will include some recommendations for moving on. After that you can choose move on independently with that knowledge. Alternatively you can book a one off review session with us where we will take you through some specific exercises and will leave you with a personalised plan of action. Another option that you have is to join us in a small class environment . These classes are no larger than three participants and you can come in and get some guidance alongside some homework to make sure you are undertaking the exercises properly and to build your confidence over a period of weeks.

To find out more about why you should consider a body health check here at the NK Active Clinic listen to this short podcast below as Nick and Dave explain in more detail who it can benefit, why it might be the right thing for you and they also give some more detail about what the process entails. And of Course, if you would like to book in with our team just hit the link and it will take you to the page.

Book your body health check here.

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