
Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem and there is a lot of information out there on how to treat it, so it can be pretty overwhelming and confusing to know where to start.


That’s where we come in. Our rehab experts, Dave and Jess, will carry out a thorough examination, discuss your symptoms and ensure that there is nothing medically serious that needs urgent review.


They will then discuss your treatment options and advise on the best way for you to move forwards.

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There are lots of reasons why you could be suffering from back pain, from a lack of regular movement and sitting down for long periods of time, to overstretching or overusing a particular muscle. If you’re suffering with lower back pain we know that everyday activities can become a huge chore.


Our expert team will run a full diagnostic test and functional and clinical assessment, to understand what’s going on and to determine the best course of action.


Let’s get you back to fighting fit again.

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