
Shin Splints

Shin splints is an umbrella term for pain in the shin during exercise. In the medical world, we try and use the term exercise-induced leg pain, as shin splints is not a diagnosis but the location of the pain. Just like a headache, that tells you your head hurts but doesn’t tell you why.


This common condition is often experienced by runners, dancers, and athletes who engage in high-impact or repetitive activities. The pain occurs due to inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue around the tibia.

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Common Causes of Shin Splints

There are over 150 reasons as to why your shins can hurt.


The most common are:

Shin pain typically arises from repetitive stress on the shinbone and surrounding muscles. Some contributing factors include:

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Symptoms of Shin Splints

Shin Splint Treatment Options

At NK Active, we understand how frustrating shin splints can be, especially when they hinder your physical activities. Our approach to treating shin splints includes:

Why Choose NK Active for Your Shin Splint Care?

Our team is dedicated to helping you get back on your feet and staying active. We offer personalised care plans and state-of-the-art equipment, like our Alter G treadmill, to ensure you receive the best support and guidance for recovery. Plus, our clinic offers ongoing support and access to treatments that aid in long-term pain relief and prevention.

Book Your Consultation

Don’t let shin splints keep you from doing what you love. Schedule a consultation with NK Active today, to start your journey towards pain-free movement.

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