This months podcast episode was inspired after Charlie was listening to an episode of James Haskell’s “The Good, The Bad and The Rugby” whereby James was discussing his life after professional sport and his experience of living with pain since retiring. As part of his career, James had access to all of the medicines, the interventions and management needed for him to perform at that elite level of professional sport. Since his retirement that kind of support network and structure has been removed, and therefore he is now having to find his own way of how to manage and look after the conditions and pathologies and past injuries that he has acquired through his career.
This got us thinking. What happens to our patients here at NK active and the journeys that they’ve been through at those different levels of doing exercise for fun, for amateur and for professional level.
So in this latest episode of the NK Active podcast we are discussing life after professional sport and other activities and how we can remain at a consistent level of fitness and health.
As always if you have any questions we want to hear from you. Drop us a message here and a member of the NK Active team would be happy to answer.
Listen to the latest episode here on your chosen platform –
Or stream right now via Spotify below.