NK Active rehabilitation therapist Dave talks through body strength analysis in this short video below.
What is body strength analysis?
Well it’s 10 or 12 simple tests that can be done in any comfortable clothes that give us good information about your strength, range of movement, and about your balance and control. Some of the tests are validated which means we’ve got a lot of scientific information about gender and age norms so we know what we might expect. Other tests are just giving us a number of where you are on the day that set your baseline for any improvements you might make in the future.
So who’s it for?
Well it’s for anyone that feels that their fitness is going down a little bit that or they’re feeling a little bit stiffer, just not as strong or balanced or confident as they used to be. It can also be used for anyone who’s looking for higher levels of performance. we can look for those marginal gains and for those areas where you might want to improve.
At the end of the tests we go through the report with you and we’d give you a print out of this so you can take it away. You can work on some exercises at home. if that suits you, you can take the print out to your gym. You can give it to your Pt. You can use it however you like.
How do we use your results?
After the test we advise you a tailored move forward program which is five sessions with us here spread over a period of time and we take you gradually and progressively through all the areas that you want to work on and at the end of it getting back to the activities that are helpful and important to you.
How do I book a body strength analysis?
Visit our strength testing page to find out more and book and appointment with Dave.