Foot health check

Regular foot reviews are a vital part of living as we get older, and not just for those people with diabetes, as nerve and blood supply can be affected as we get older. Any changes that happen can increase the risk of problems happening that you may not be aware of. So, having regular reviews are important to detect any potential changes early.

What is involved

We complete a full assessment, checking for any lesions and problems, also checking:-

Vascular supply

Checking pulses, blood pressure and blood supply, and a ABPI with our state of the art MESI machine.

Nerve supply

Checking sensation in the feet is important, to see if there are any changes that may mean you can't feel increased pressure or rubbing.

Footwear assessment

Using the right shoes for the right job is key. Poor fitting shoes can course corns and callus, which can become problematic.

The report

You will be given a full written report, including any recommendations for treatment. Going forward we can then analyse changes when comparing to previous reports and data.

A copy of the report and treatment plan is also sent to your GP.

Commonly asked questions

How much does it cost?

The foot health assessment cost is £98, however, the first 50 people will get a special discounted price of £75, which will be applied on the day of the assessment.

Why do I need to fill in a pre-assessment form?

The more information we can get prior to the appointment about your health and aims, the better we can make the assessment for you.

Do I need an assessment every year?

It depends on your risk status. Some people will need reviews more than once a year, and for others an annual check would be sufficient.

Is this just for diabetics?

NO!!! Whilst diabetes does increase the risk of foot related problems, we believe that from the age of 50 onwards, a foot health assessment check is sensible.

How long will it take?

The foot health assessment will take 45 minutes, including leaving with the report and plan.

What are people saying?