What you need to know about knee arthritis

Knee arthritis-What you need to know

In this episode of the NK Active podcast we discuss knee arthritis, its causes and management.

Can knee arthritis be caused by exercise?

Knee arthritis is the narrowing of the joint space and the wearing away of cartilage due to the lack of repair processes. However, running and high-impact activities do not cause arthritis and may even be protective. Muscle vibrations, caused by jumping and landing, contribute to knee arthritis, but stronger muscles may help reduce this effect.

Some factors to consider include a history of trauma, ageing, family traits, and obesity. The approach to management focuses more on management tips rather than treatments as there is currently no reliable and repeatable method for replacing human cartilage.

Listen or watch the podcast below to find out more from Nick and Dave from the clinic and the ways in which we can manage this condition better.

Listen to the latest episode here and all of our other episodes on your chosen platform – https://kite.link/nk-active

And here is the YouTube video!

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